Managing Workplace Investigations [HR]

About this type of prompt

ChatGPT can help manage workplace investigations by providing guidance on various aspects of the task, such as understanding legal requirements and best practices, developing investigation plans and interview questions, analyzing evidence, and documenting findings. ChatGPT can also help you conduct objective, thorough investigations, avoiding common biases and pitfalls.


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“Can you provide me with some guidance on how to conduct a fair and impartial workplace investigation [in a specific industry or context], considering the [relevant laws, regulations, and policies] and potential [conflicts of interest, power dynamics, or cultural factors]?”

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“What are the key elements to include in an investigation plan for [a particular type of misconduct], taking into account the [nature and scope of the allegation], the [identity and location of the parties involved], and the [available resources and schedule]?”

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“How can I effectively interview [a wide range of witnesses, including those who are reluctant or emotional] during a workplace investigation, [using open-ended questions, active listening, and empathy], and [avoiding suggestive language or any behavior that might be perceived as retaliation or harassment]?”

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“What are some [common misconceptions or biases] to watch out for when reviewing evidence during an investigation [related to a particular type of allegation], and how can I [validate the authenticity and reliability of the evidence], [assess the credibility and consistency of sources ] and [contextualize the evidence within a larger picture]?”

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“Can you give me some tips on how to write a comprehensive investigation report [that meets legal requirements and helps prevent future incidents], [organizing the report in a clear and logical manner], [using objective and concise language], and [ providing specific, actionable recommendations]?”

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Prompt Tips

Use ChatGPT to learn about the specific legal requirements and best practices for workplace investigations in your industry or location and customize your approach accordingly.
When drafting investigation plans or interview questions, use ChatGPT to help you avoid biased or suggestive language and ensure you cover all relevant aspects of the investigation.
Use ChatGPT to help you analyze and interpret evidence objectively and avoid jumping to conclusions or relying too heavily on a single piece of evidence.

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